According to the Announcement on the Adjustment of the Stock List under the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect published by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 7, China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Limited ("China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Limited" or "the Company"; together with its subsidiary companies referred to as "the Group") (stock code: 1258.HK) has been included in the scope of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect starting from March 7, 2022. Mainland investors will now be able to trade the Company's shares.

On February 16, Zambia time, Mr. Mabvuto, General Manager of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH), and his delegation visited Non-ferrous Corporation Africa Mining PLC (NFC Africa) for an inspection and exchange. They conveyed the Zambian government's policy of supporting the development of the copper industry and expressed their willingness to further enhance close cooperation with NFC Africa and jointly promote the implementation of the new Zambian government's blueprint of "achieving 3 million tons of copper production". NFC Africa Chairman Xu Helin and General Manager Li Zhanyan warmly received the ZCCM-IH executive team, and Deputy General Manager Zhang Bing accompanied the inspection and exchange.

On July 1, Zambia time, good news came from the production system of NFC Africa Mining PLC, the southeast ore body completed the task of meeting the production and standard issued by China Nonferrous Metal Mining (Group) Co., Ltd., the production of the main and west ore bodies was stable, the recovery rate of the quarry, depletion rate and other indicators reached the world class, the Company completed the task for the first half of the year, with the best operating results in the history of the same period, and the objectives for the "14th Five-Year" were initially achieved.

On the afternoon of June 30, 2021, China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Limited (CNMCL) held its annual general meeting in the form combining on-site meeting and network broadcast at the CNMC Building in Beijing. Zhang Jinjun, Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of CNMCL, chaired the shareholders' meeting on behalf of the Company and interacted with the representatives of shareholders who attended the meeting together with the Company's Board of Directors and management.