CLM Reached Its Maximum Yield since 9 Years after Establishment
01 Jan 2019

Good news from CLM, an enterprise in Zambia funded by our Company: CLM reached its maximum yield since 9 years after establishment on December 31, 2018.

In 2018, the Company not only made great efforts to the production of Muliashi strip mine and hydrometallurgical plant as well as slag beneficiation at full load, but also organized and optimized the technologies for underground Baluba copper mine elaborately, which was started from May for digging, and restored production on July 1 successfully. The Company completed a total of 47,000 tons of copper for the whole year cumulatively, with 6,160 tons more than that as planned. Among them, CNMC Luanshya Muliashi Copper Hydrometallurgical Plant has processed 4.67 million tons of ore cumulatively, and produced 42,000 tons of cathode copper, with 3,870 tons more than that as planned; Baluba Copper Mine dug 3,639m underground cumulatively throughout the whole year, withdrew 193,000 tons of ore; the concentrating mill has stable production technological indicators, and completed 5,800 tons of copper concentrates containing copper throughout the whole year.   


 (Written by: Pan Bin)