What is the company's core business?
The Company is a rapidly growing and leading vertically integrated copper producer, focusing on vertically integrated businesses of copper mining, mineral processing, hydrometallurgical smelting, pyrometallurgical smelting and sales in Zambia. Our main products are copper concentrate, blister copper and copper cathode. The blister copper smelting process also produces sulfuric acid as a by-product.

What is the company's business management philosophy?
"Fine and standardized, collaborative and efficient"
Management must be institutionalized and standardized. The key is to have a sound corporate management system, clear responsibilities and rights, and focus on process control to ensure execution. It must be based on an overall perspective, comprehensive consideration, and overall planning. in:
The goal of "fine specification" is "four fines and five fines". It is necessary to segment the market to customers, subdivide functions to positions, subdivide strategies to tasks, and refine procedures to links, so as to achieve the essence of guidance, essence application, and proficiency in pipelines. Precise cooperation and high-quality production.
The result of "collaborative efficiency" is the "overall effect". It is necessary to coordinate the internal and external resources of the enterprise, the resources of each internal sector, the upstream and downstream resources of each subsystem, and various human, financial and material resources, etc., to continuously improve the resource utilization rate and enhance the overall operational effect of the enterprise. and efficiency to achieve complementary advantages and common development.

Who are the major shareholders of China Nonferrous Mining Co., Ltd.?
Our controlling shareholder is China Nonferrous Metals Corporation, a Chinese state-owned enterprise directly managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. It is engaged in the development of non-ferrous metal mineral resources, construction projects and related trade and technical services in China and overseas. We are also the overseas platform for China Nonferrous Mining Group to develop copper and cobalt resources.

On which exchange is the company listed and what is its stock code?
The company is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with the stock code 01258

When is the company's year-end date?
December 31

What accounting standards does the company adopt?
Hong Kong Accounting Standards

Who is the company's external auditor?
KPMG is the auditor of our company

Which is the company's main share registrar and Hong Kong share registrar?
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

How many shares does each company stock lot contain?